DHCP and TCP/IP  «Prev  Next»
Lesson 2 Prerequisites
Objective Verify that you have the right background for this course.

TCP IP Prerequisite Skills for DHCP

In order to get the most out of this course, you should have the following skills or experience:
  1. Windows Windows 2003 to Windows 2012 Update Certification Series, or equivalent knowledge and experience. For example with one of the following servers:
    1. Windows Server 2003 (April 2003)
    2. Windows Server 2003 R2 (December 2005)
    3. Windows Server 2008 (February 2008)
    4. Windows Server 2008 R2 (July 2009)
    5. Windows Server 2012 (August 2012)
    6. Windows Server 2012 R2 (October 2013)
    7. Windows Server 2016 (upcoming).
  2. Implementing and Administering Windows 2008 Directory Services, or equivalent knowledge and experience for exam 70-216.

Most Radical Domain re-envisioning since Windows 2000 Server

New capabilities and benefits of Windows Server 2012 domain controller deployment and administration, and the differences between the previous operating system DC deployment and the new Windows Server 2012 implementation. Windows Server 2012 introduces the next generation of Active Directory Domain Services Simplified Administration, and is the most radical domain re-envisioning since Windows 2000 Server. AD DS Simplified Administration takes lessons learned from twelve years of Active Directory and makes a more supportable, more flexible, more intuitive administrative experience for architects and administrators. This meant creating new versions of existing technologies as well as extending the capabilities of components released in Windows Server 2008 R2.


Telnet is a set of components that provide terminal-like access to a remote computer. Telnet was once the most common means for achieving command-line access to a remote computer. In recent years, however, the more-secure SSH protocol, which you learn about later in this hour, has become the standard for terminal access. Telnet is still around, though, and no book on TCP/IP networking is complete without some mention of it. A Telnet session requires a Telnet client that will serve as the remote terminal and a Telnet server, which receives the connection request and allows the connection.

The Windows Server 2003 MCSA Certification series contains training you will need to pass the three core exams and one elective exam required for the Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator credential. This series covers the two required networking system exams
  1. (70-290 and 70-291),
  2. the required client operating system exam (Windows XP Professional 70-270) and one elective,
  3. Security Implementation (70-299).

Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2012 and the platform's major new features and improvements.
A little background on the evolution of Microsoft's newest server operating system. Three years after the launch of Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft unveiled Windows Server 2012, its latest server operating system. Server 2012 is the most significant server release since the update from Windows Server NT 3.51 to NT 4.0, which introduced the modern graphical interface to Windows Server.
Server 2012 is just as significant because, arguably, for the first time in a Windows Server release, it represents a server product based on the needs and wants of consumers rather than solely on the needs of the enterprise.
Server 2012 is designed for compatibility with and support for three major and current computing trends, all driven primarily by consumer demand:
  1. cloud computing,
  2. virtualization, and
  3. the continued consumerization of IT,
which is the surging demand from the workforce to use personal technology devices.
Microsoft has engineered Server 2012 to meet these three market trends with several upgrades and enhancements. Virtualization and cloud computing needs are met by new virtualization technologies baked into Hyper-V 3.0. Some of the capabilities include the ability to connect a datacenter to a public cloud, and features that allow system administrators to build hybrid and multitenant private clouds. Server hardware, storage, and networks can be virtualized, thereby reducing power costs, centralizing administration, and allowing for fast and efficient scalability as an infrastructure grows. In the next lesson, you will learn what you need to take this course.